Thursday, March 01, 2007

My Current BMI

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number calculated from a person’s weight and height. BMI provides a reliable indicator of body fatness for most people and is used to screen for weight categories that may lead to health problems.
After a long holidays for the Chinese New Year, most of my friends are complaining that they have put on alot of weights. But surprisingly, i've lost 3 kgs in just 1 week!
My current BMI is 15.4 indicating that my weight is in the underweight category for adults of my height. I told my sister about it and Mic sent her the following indicators to me. Now i have a better understanding regarding my weight status. According to that, i'm currently very close to starvation and in the anorexic status. This is a very bad sign!
*Starvation: less than 15.0
*Anoretic(n.)/Anorexic(adj.): less than 17.5
*Underweight: less than 18.5
*Ideal: from 18.5 to 25
These are the further description about the weight status i'm in now. After reading it over and over again, i think i need to do something to my weight. Perhaps it's time for me to continue back my yoga and gym session as i've stop going for 1 month plus for the sake of mid term tests and assignments.
The eating disorder known as anorexia nervosa is commonly described as "self-starvation." Characteristics of the disorder include a refusal to maintain a minimally normal weight, an intense fear of gaining weight, a disturbed and unrealistic body image, and (in women) the absence of menstrual periods. (Low body weight and/or the cessation of menses distinguishes anorexia from the related disorder, bulimia.) Sufferers may starve themselves simply by restricting the amount of calories or types of food they consume; or there can be a pattern of excessive binge eating followed by purging through self-induced vomiting, inappropriate use of laxatives or enemas, or excessive exercise.

Female gender, low self-esteem, genetics, and social emphasis on thinness all increase the risk for this condition. The consequences of untreated anorexia can be severe, including electrolyte disturbances, heart rhythm abnormalities, and death. Treatment usually involves psychotherapy, medication, nutrition education, and family therapy.